EDITOR'S NOTE: So I've got good news and bad news ...

Been wondering: "Where's my Loaf?" We've got answers.

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First, the bad news: On July 27, Creative Loafing published the last issue of our weekly print edition, marking the end of a tradition in Atlanta that's persisted for nearly five decades.

OK, now the good news: Today, Aug. 17, we released the debut issue of Creative Loafing's new monthly newspaper. And, no, that wasn't a misprint: CL has officially made the switch from a weekly to a monthly. And while that means you'll be getting your dose of CL in print less frequently, it also means you'll be getting a bigger, better and bolder version of the paper you know and love on a regular basis and much more of us on the web (more on that later).

Why the change? Well in today's rapidly evolving media landscape, we saw this move as the best way to serve you, our readers, and the way you consume information.

To that end, we've beefed up our page count, switched to a fancy cover stock and rolled out a brand-spanking-new logo. Once you flip deeper into this edition, you'll see we've extended the redesign vibe through the entire issue. On top of that, this month we're bringing back some sorely missed editorial elements from back in the day (our Arts Agenda and Soundboard listings, for example) and rolling out some newness as well (such as a revamped News & Culture Briefs).

A monthly iteration of CL in print also means you can expect a beefed-up presence online. We'll be rolling out even more content at creativeloafing.com every day and unveiling fresh additions to the mix like our new hip-hop podcast, Atlanta Untrapped, and more. And all that is just the beginning.

Stay tuned for up-to-the-minute info about our latest moves. In the meantime, peruse our new print issue, and see what we've got in store for this new era of Creative Loafing.

Carlton Hargro, Editor-In-Chief

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