Add It Up - A girl’s best friend

Approximate percent increase in the number of engagement rings sold at Atlanta’s Union Diamond in February: 20

Average cost of an engagement ring: $4,146

Number of single Atlantans with profiles on who say they are interested in meeting people for “dating”: 4,111

Cost of the average wedding: $26,327

Estimated cost of Jennifer “Runaway Bride” Wilbanks’ canceled wedding: $100,000

Percent of people who get married at least once by the age of 50: 94

Percent of people who get divorced at least once by the age of 50: 29

Number of marriages performed in Georgia in 2003: 60,252

Number of divorces performed in Georgia in 2003: 27,693

Length, in days, of the average honeymoon: 8

Length, in years, of the average marriage: 8.3

Sources: Union Diamond,,,, U.S. Census Bureau