Add It Up - Crazy for IKEA

Approximate number of shoppers waiting in line for the opening of the Atlanta IKEA on June 29: 3,000?
Number of parking spaces at IKEA: 1,497?
Distance one shopper traveled, in hours, to be there opening day: 9?
Number of fights that broke out in the waiting line: 1?
Number of minutes it took for all the customers to enter the store: 55?
Number of hours the first person in line camped out: 158?
Value of the IKEA gift certificate he received: $4,000?
Minimum cost of a 700-square-foot, one-bedroom condo at Atlantic Station, the mixed-use development where IKEA is located: $150,000?
Approximate cost to furnish an entire one-bedroom condo with products from IKEA’s 753-square-foot model home: $8,000?
Cost, per month, of maintaining the city’s other yellow-hued icon, hip-hop mogul Jermaine Dupri’s So So Def billboard on the Downtown Connector: $8,000

Sources: the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, IKEA Grand Opening press release, IKEA store manager Lynda Mee, ?,