Word - Lethal docs?

Lethal injection suit in Georgia

Last week, the Georgia Court of Appeals heard oral arguments from a lawsuit filed by seven medical doctors who asked the state to punish physicians who helped with lethal injections. The suit argues their involvement violates the Hippocratic Oath, the American Medical Association’s code of ethics and state law. The suit was dismissed in Fulton County Superior Court, and that decision is the basis of the appeal.</
“There’s nothing more central to the medical profession than the duty to heal, and there’s nothing that undermines that more than killing someone.”</
-- Gerry Weber, one of the lawyers who argued for the appeal, as quoted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in December 2005</
“Pavulon, which is already barred under Georgia law for [euthanizing] animals, is mandated [in Georgia executions] to minimize the body movements and sanitize the process for the audience. ... If certain euthanasia techniques are banned as overly cruel to animals, a doctor should not participate in those same practices used on humans.”</
-- From the original complaint filed in 2005</
“I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”</
-- From the Hippocratic Oath