Pulled Quote July 16 2008

Made in the U.S.A.

And that’s when she saw Floy. She had pitched sideways when she fell, slamming into racks of batteries, disposable lighters, TV Guides, and candy, spilling them onto the floor beside her. Her hand was twisted at an angle that would have been painful had she been able to feel pain and her glasses had slipped onto her cheeks. Her mouth was pulled into a perfect O, as if she had been about to whistle, and bits of Tums she had been chewing clung to her bottom lip. Her fingers, adorned with rhinestone rings, still clutched the National Enquirer she had just paid for.

– From Billie Letts’ latest novel, Made in the U.S.A. Letts will read from and sign copies of the book Thurs., July 17, at the Margaret Mitchell House.