Pulled Quote August 20 2008

Trailer Trashed by Hollis Gillespie

“I now find it curious that we never actually lived in my father’s trailers. Instead, they were a lovely reprieve from our actual home, and my sisters and I regularly found solace in them, where the deluxe rooftop air conditioner kept everything as cool as a mountain meadow. There, all the spaces and compartments were situated with perfect efficiency. ... Now that I’m a parent myself, I realize there’s a lot of comfort with the knowledge that – with a few tunings – an entire family could be happily accommodated in a thirteen-foot trailer. Everything you needed was there. Space was real space.”

– From Hollis Gillespie’s new book, Trailer Trashed. Gillespie will be at Outwrite Bookstore and Coffeehouse Thurs., Aug. 21, to sign and discuss her book.