Atlanta blogs today: Obama’s bathroom April 13 2007

Far from being “redundant” in the way the critics imply, the streetcar closes a long-existing gap in rail service.

— Joe Winter at addressing critics of Peachtree Street streetcar. Creative Loafing’s Mara Shalhoup wrote about the streetcar last week.

What makes the AJC think anybody wants to hear an Atlanta newspaper’s opinion about whether Don Imus, a New York radio host, should be fired?

— Rusty at Radical Georgia Moderate, on the AJC’s editorial disapproval of now-unemployed host Don Imus.

CL’s John Sugg explained yesterday that the AJC’s outrage at bigotted radio commentary is like the pot calling the kettle nappy.

I also found out yesterday that the members of Obama’s campaign from Illinois were in need of a press area for Saturday’s rally, and as luck would have it, my office happens to be the best location (Yipee!). And my office is also the closest bathroom location so if the Senator feels compelled to relieve himself ...I am right there...LOL (ok, so I am pushing my luck here).

— Angee at NewKarma in Atlanta, an Obama campaign volunteer apparently eager to have the senator from Illinois use her office toilet. The audaciously hopeful Obama will be in Atlanta on Saturday. Information about the event is here.