Word: Nathan Deal questions Obama’s birth place, birthers rejoice

‘You have now boarded to crazy train. Next stop, Loony Town.’

On Jan. 6, news broke that U.S. Congressman Nathan Deal quietly delivered on a promise to ask President Obama for a copy of his birth certificate. A Deal staffer told CL that the congressman — who’s also a GOP gubernatorial candidate — merely informed Obama that constituents were concerned, but believers in the “birther” conspiracy theory went wild.

“We MUST be getting close as members of Congress are now asking Obama the same question we have been asking for 2 years. WE ARE VICTORIOUS!”

— “Candor7” on Jan. 6 at the far-right FreeRepublic Web site.

“Obama and Rahm or the powers that be could easily have the corrupt Hawaiian officials produce an official documents. The New World Order controls everything then why cant they do this?”

— An anonymous commenter on Jan. 6 at conspiracy theory hotbed GodLikeProductions.com.

“Congratulations, Rep. Deal. You have now boarded to crazy train. Next stop, Loony Town.”

— “katahdin” on Jan. 6, commenting at the more level-headed Washington Independent.