The Televangelist: ‘Friday Night Lights’ episodes 6 and 7

If Jason Street is 20 years old, how old is Tim Riggins? And why is he still in high school? This isn’t 90210!

As “Friday Night Lights” reaches mid-season, it becomes clear that most of the show’s narrative arcs and resolutions this time around are contained and resolved within a mere episode or two. There were always side stories and longing glances and relationship talks in earlier seasons, but they were overshadowed by something bigger, overarching: the aftermath of Jason Street, the state playoffs, whether or not Coach Eric Taylor can make it in Dillon. Perhaps it’s the knowledge that this season may be the show’s last that has the writers tying up lose ends and saying bon voyage to past characters by way of college or careers. (Smash is gone; Street’s gearing up to go; and it looks like even Tyra and Riggins will be making it to a post-high school education on their own terms.) Regardless, the relationships among our core Dillon denizens remain compelling and often unlike anything else on TV, no matter how small the scale.