Bobby’s Reality Check: We are family

I got my <i>Real Housewives</i> and me’ - A music rendition of last week’s Real Housewives of New Jersey and New York

‘’We are family
I got my Real Housewives’’ with me
We are family

Get up Andy Cohen and sing

Is that how the song goes? I can’t remember. That’s how my version goes when I sing weekly at Maryoke, because if there’s one thing reality TV taught me this week, it’s the closeness of families. Yes, those mafiosos from Jerzee, the Manzinos, were thick as thieves as the second season opened while their pals across the river renewed vows and  dealt with death of an estranged family member for my personal enjoyment. Oh and Alex McCord reminds us she’s in Brooklyn if you forgot. Get up everybody and sing!

Going to New Jersey is never something anyone looks forward to. It’s usually reserved for the funerals of distant relatives you never knew of, but this week’s return of “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” was more like a re-birth. Things are different in the Jerz, there is less attention there so you can buy off police with ill-attended fundraisers and put $400 worth of shopping on tab at stores called “Posche.” So that brings us to rodent-like Danielle.’’
