First Slice 10-23-12: Obama sinks Romney’s battleship

Discounted margaritas, shooting range time, and free Georgia 400 tolls for all


1. Still looking for some post-debate analysis? You can catch up on what happened last night here, here, or here. If you’re looking for a recap in the form of some GIFs, we’ve also got you covered.

2. The New Yorker published their endorsement of Obama yesterday. It’s a lengthy article about the president’s past four years, but it’s definitely worth your time.

3. State Rep. Sean Jerguson, a republican from Woodstock who owns a firearms retail outlet, currently has a Groupon deal for $39 that gets you the following: a shooting range session with your automatic weapon of choice, a pair of 20-round ammunition boxes, an appetizer, and margaritas for two. Don’t worry, however, as the fine print reads that you “must redeem for gun rental before redeeming at Tacos & Beer Mexican Restaurant.”

4. Finally, if you’re commuting up or down Georgia 400 tomorrow between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., the Atlanta Hawks will cover your tolls. The team failed to comment on whether or not this comes as the result of shedding Joe Johnson’s contract this past offseason.

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