CL Fiction Contest 2019 - “Connect”

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Prior Year Winners

Every year, Creative Loafing’s annual Fiction Contest has a one-word theme, and this year we’re going with “Connect.” As ever, all stories must in some way incorporate the word, whether as a theme, a metaphor, a deadly game of Connect Four — what have you.

But part of the reason we picked “Connect” this year is because we’re interested in seeing stories that explore interpersonal connections in the age of social media and on-line communications. For good or ill, the internet has permeated nearly every aspect of modern life: what are some ramifications of this? Don’t go overboard on emojis or weird icons, but otherwise, have fun with it.

All entries must be no more than 3,000 words and be received by Monday, December 10, 2018 at 5 p.m. Do not exceed the word count or deadline if you want your story to be considered. We’re not kidding around about that. This time, the three winners will appear in our February issue, not in January.

A note on formatting: please submit stories as MS Word documents (.doc, .docx), rich text (.rtf) or plain text (.txt). No PDF or WordPerfect document formats will be accepted.

Read the rules and submit your story below. We can’t wait to see what clicks.