Julianna Money

You may find yourself waxing existential as you listen to Julianna Money’s music. That is no coincidence. A gifted lyricist with an inspired approach to composition and melody, she fearlessly delves into the deepest, darkest corners of existence through her songs. Her live performance is an invocation: through haunting vocals, heartfelt delivery, and candid banter, she invites her listeners to confront their shadows while also bathing in their own light. Her forthcoming work, “Eclipse,” explores that very relationship between shadow and light through an examination of love, human nature, and desire. You can find her first two singles from the album, “Shocking” and “Never”, on streaming services everywhere, along with all her previous works, and you can catch her live performances all around the Southeast - dates can be found here or on her social media.

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[Admin link: Julianna Money]