First Slice 8/16/13: Georgia Tech home to world’s smallest Walmart

You missed your chance to shoot doves.


If you were planning to legally kill doves in Georgia this fall, you missed your chance.

Georgia Tech is now officially home to the world’s smallest Walmart. Man, what an honor.

Some Georgia legislators have joined others from around the country in an alliance designed to combat voting restrictions they say are being imposed in Republican-run states. From the Associate Press: “Georgia state Rep. Stacey Abrams described the effort as nonpartisan, but leaders of the new organization - called American Values First - are all Democrats.”

A group of Atlanta bus drivers protested outside the IBEW and APS administration building downtown yesterday to voice frustration over low wages and not getting paid for days they worked after returning to duty a week early this school year. APS drivers have not seen a cost of living raise in five years.

A University of Georgia organization will be one of only two in the whole state hired by the feds to help the public adjust to the new health care exchange after Obamacare starts to go into effect on Oct. 1. UGA’s extension service and the Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation, more coherently known as SEEDCO, will act as “navigators” and help clueless residents make sense of a plethora of new health care options.

A Pennsylvania ninja says there just aren’t enough cops in his city of Johnstown. That’s why the 19-year-old says he’s been wading in the shadows, clad in all black, carrying a baseball bat.

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