Where to Eat Middle Eastern in Atlanta
The ultimate list of Middle Eastern dishes and restaurants in Atlanta.
Here's our list of the Best Middle Eastern Restaurant awards each year.
The Best Middle Eastern in Atlanta according to our Critics is:
Sufi's Kitchen
Sufi's menu has let the world of Persian flavors take a step toward the mainstream in Atlanta. Flanked by the dining room's deep red brocade walls and paintings of whirling dervishes, and seated under a ceiling of white fabric, you might encounter some form of culinary enlightenment. The menu has a ...
The Best Middle Eastern in Atlanta according to our Readers is:
Rumi's Kitchen Sandy Springs
Comfort mixed with a hint of the exotic. This Persian eatery offers such treats as kashk badenjoon, a warm, blended eggplant and onion appetizer; mast mousir, a garlic and yogurt dip; and shirazi salad, a medley of chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and parsley with a citrus dressing. $$ ($10-$20)
Last Year's Critic's Choice for Best Middle Eastern
Jerusalem Bakery & Grill
It is impossible to visit this Middle Eastern bakery and leave with just one item. This store is sure to delight locals and tourists alike.
Middle Eastern Dishes from our 100 Dishes List
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