SCAD students cry foul over nut sack censorship

Protest website claims administrators removed photo of nude male during Open Studio Night


There's a bit of a controversy going on over at the Midtown campus of the Savannah College of Art and Design, the focal point of which is — um, how can I say this delicately? — some guy's junk.

According to a new protest website called Censored by SCAD, the flashpoint event took place Nov. 11 during the annual SCAD Open Studio Night, the school's biggest event of the year, when potential students and donors are invited in to tour the building. Apparently, a SCAD employee had removed a photo of a male nude from public view, sparking a protest by students who distributed and wore fliers showing the offending artwork. The website claims SCAD administrators spent the evening confiscating the fliers.

The anonymous writer goes on to say there's a name for the folks who make sure nothing conceivably offensive is placed on display: the "Pretty Police."

The Pretty Police are SCAD's censorship arm. Their job is to patrol artwork in exhibits that have already been juried and accepted by either faculty or a selection panel, and remove anything they don't like. Anything that won't look good on a press release. Anything not "pretty." This is all very hush-hush of course, and no one dares to speak about it. Faculty are contractually obligated not to, and students feel pressured not to speak out for fear of reprisal by the mighty SCAD Administration.