Bankruptcy judge sets auction date for ownership of Creative Loafing alt-weekly chain
If you want to make a bid, Aug. 25 is your chance
Our colleague Wayne Garcia at CL’s sister paper in Tampa reports:
And it will be on Aug. 25, during a hearing in downtown Tampa that will start at 10 a.m. Federal Bankruptcy Judge Caryl E. Delano today approved a disclosure statement for Creative Loafings reorganization plan after a week of intensive talks between the chains owners, in the form of company CEO Ben Eason, and its largest creditor, Atalaya Capital Management LP.
Atalaya is the investment fund that was owed $31 million from financing CLs 2007 pay-down of debt and purchase of the Chicago Reader and Washington City Paper. As part of the negotiations, Atalaya has agreed to write-down its promissory note to $12 million, which would be repaid at 8 percent interest-only for five years and balloon due at that point.
According to the terms of the reorganization plan and promises made in court today, all CL creditors would be paid in full with two exceptions: Atalaya and BIA Digital Partners, which provided additional lending in the 2007 deals. BIA is now part of an Eason-led equity group that will bid for ownership against Atalaya.
“We are on board and supportive of moving forward under this process,” Atalayas lawyer, Tyler Brown, told the judge via telephone during the noon hearing.
That means that Atalaya is supporting the reorganization plan and auction process. It remains, however, interested in owning the nations second-largest alternative newspaper chain and has put in what is called a “stalking horse offer” of $2 million that will be the first bid up during the Aug. 25 equity auction, at which anybody can essentially bid to own the post-bankruptcy Creative Loafing.