Flux Night’s ‘Dream’ is coming to Old Fourth Ward
Nighttime art fest is moving to Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site
After skipping 2014, Flux Night is set to return at a new location this coming fall. After calling Castleberry Hill home since 2008, the one-night arts, dance, and performance festival is headed to the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Old Fourth Ward. Curated by Nato Thompson, the event is a celebration of the surrounding neighborhood’s history, culture, and King’s worldwide impact.
Here’s what else we know about Flux Night 2015:
Flux Night Dream, a site-specific art exhibition, takes as its source of inspiration, Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream, immortalized in his sweet, eloquent, hypnotic words that stirred the hopes of a country and its imagination. King’s dream asked for the best in people and in a sense, asked for the world as we knew it, to become the place we dreamed about. Dreams, those visions when we sleep, the realm of desires, of hopes, of fears and new futures, are also the material of artists. Touching people where they feel as much as think through the world, artists use materials whether these are paint, photography, video, songs, dances or performances, to stir our inner most selves to reconsider the world around us. This exhibition is not itself nostalgic, as neither are dreams, but is instead a collective imaginative exploration of equity and justice.
A one-night festival of arts, dance and performances will transpire in the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site. Operating as an active backdrop to the artworks, the neighborhood will provide a critical context for visitors to consider the ongoing project that Martin Luther King Jr. laid out more than 50 years ago. Artists will explore contemporary issues of non-violence, racial equity, justice and overall creative expression. At times political, at times historically reflective, at times jubilant and at times melancholic, the artworks situated in the neighborhood will produce a range of emotional responses, befitting the complexity and challenges put forward by the dreaming Reverend. Flux Night’s Dream will be on Sat., Oct. 3. For more details, head over to the Flux Projects website.