The Ridibund Chamber Music Society
Tuesday September 3, 2024 07:00 PM EDT
Cost: From $20.03
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
CRITIC’S PICK - “We do weird shit like imagining what Kurt Cobain and Erik Satie’s baby would sound like or what if [Soviet-Armenian composer-conductor Aram] Khatchaturian surfed?” says Atlanta Symphony Orchestra bassist-composer Michael Kurth, founder of the Ridibund Chamber Music Society (RCMS). The RCMS is the result of Kurth’s effort during the COVID lockdown era to gather up professional classical musicians from his Decatur neighborhood who were inclined toward seeking relief mutual relief from terminal boredom by creating music that mashes up genres, periods, composers, songs and whatnot into a wildly fun form of offbeat entertainment. Coming to Eddie’s Attic on Tue., Sep. 3, Kirsten Browning (violin), Mary Horst (cello), Molly O’Roark (harp), Ronnie MacDuff (drums) and Kurth (bass, composer, and arranger), the RCMS are just as likely to deconstruct Tchaikovsky’s ‘Pathétique’ as they are to riff on The Allman Brothers’ “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” – all in the span of 12 bars. – Doug DeLoach
From the venue:
The Ridibund Chamber Music Society live at Eddie’s Attic!
The Ridibund Chamber Music Society began as a pandemic project spawned from the mind of Atlanta Symphony bassist and composer. Terminally bored during lockdown, he conspired to gather professional...
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The Ridibund Chamber Music Society | 09/03/2024 7:00 PM