Zarate @ Dailies

PHOTO CREDIT: @smilingeyesmedia
Call: (678) 543-2363 or visit

Former Filipino pop-up takes up residency at Pratt Pullman Yards.

From the Website:
Zarate, a Kitchen & Tiki Bar transcends borders, draws inspiration from humble beginnings and a lifetime of experiences spanning over 25 years in the food and beverage industry. Our founder, Marcus Fernandez, spent the formative years of his life in the Philippines, where his grandmother’s neighborhood store stood proudly a few yards from their home on Zarate Street. This enchanted emporium, a hub for the local community, served traditional street food, snacks, and popular beverages, inspiring him with a sense of hospitality that he carries to this day.


One cocktail listed below for $10:

Spiked “Tahô” (pictured left): Filipino iced coffee with knob creek rye, silken cream vanilla pearls

Calamansade Pouch (pictured center): Refreshing Filipino lemonade with Calamansi extract, haku vodka, basil mint syrup, cucumbers

Chipotle Mango Margarita (p... | more...
225 Rogers St NE
Atlanta, GA 30317
(678) 543-2363
