Invent Room Pop channels the KBC spirit

Beep Beep hosts the second round of the Invent Room Pop series Friday, June 17

Image The Kirkwood Ballers Club experimental open mic night may be a thing of the past, but a new night dubbed Invent Room Pop is channeling much of the same energy and passion for musical improvisation of every stripe. On Friday, June 17, Beep Beep Gallery is hosting the second round of Invent Room Pop — the first one went down last month before anyone gave it a name.

The idea is this: Six musicians sign up to perform. Their names are drawn from a hat and randomly paired together to form on-the-spot duos and trios. What happens next is up to the gods of spontaneity.

This month’s list of performers includes:

Allen Taylor (synth)
Lindsay Smith (bass clarinet and electronics)
Rebecca Blankenship (cello)
Ian Brown (guitar and electronics)
Erin Scott Bailey (sax)
Nathaniel Kiser (synth)

Future Invent Room nights are not nailed down to a particular Friday each month, but the third installment is happening July 22 when Robert Cheatham, TJ Blake (Lyonnais) and Jenny Turner (formerly of Richmond, Va., noise ensemble Twilight Memories of the Three Suns) are already signed up to perform. Folks that are interested in getting involved should send an e-mail to Eyedrum.