Are the crowds too intoxicated at the Music Midtown festival?
CL's Coverage of the 2001 Music Midtown Festival
I stopped going when they moved it from 10th Street. I know it's not their fault, but it just hasn't been the same. It just seems like a bunch of drunk rednecks when before it was an intown/Midtown party festival. People from outside the Perimeter coming in totally ruined it for me. Now it seems people that are just amateurs from outside the Perimeter come in and get drunk and stupid. If I'm going to be drunk and stupid, I'll be drunk and stupid with my friends intown so we can walk around and jump in a cab and go home.
I like the crowds, the partying, it's fun. You get off work, forget your problems, enjoy the music, have a few beers and just have a good time. The whole point is meeting people, being nice to people, saying hey to people you know and people you don't know. People are friendly and seem to be in a good mood. Of course some people are going to get intoxicated and out of hand. It happens, but it's not the end of the world. If you don't enjoy the crowds, don't come. It's an outdoor concert. It's meant to have a good time.
I always felt it was geared to an older, hippier crowd, but this year there's more hip-hop, more rap. So I expect the crowd to be more varied and younger this year. But finding drunk people in this city is not hard to come across. Everyone is drunk at Buckhead. But I went last year with my very pregnant cousin; we had no problems with the crowds or getting around. It was a pretty kosher environment. It's nice to have something to do outdoors and not at a bad price.??