Karma Cleanser - Dear Karma Cleanser:

My friend Angie, who I only see a few times a year, was visiting my town on vacation. She was having problems with the batteries in her camera, so my husband offered to let her use our camera for the weekend. We did a little sightseeing, and Angie took lots of pictures with our camera. When the weekend was over, she gave the camera back.

Later, my husband was downloading the pictures from the camera, and he realized that Angie had left her memory card in it by mistake. We didn’t mean to invade her privacy, but all of sudden we were seeing dozens of photos of Angie’s family: birthday party photos, casual pictures of her and her boyfriend at home, naked baby pictures, and one or two that I know she would not want anyone else to see.

I know she will be embarrassed when she hears we’ve had our eyes on her photos. My husband says we should throw away the memory card and never tell her we found it. I think that would seriously wreck my karma with this good friend. But we also want our memory card back.

-- Burned into Memory

Have you been watching “Desperate Housewives” this season? When Lynette and Tom accidentally discovered their neighbors’ homemade porn DVD, they promptly confronted the couple and tried to normalize the awkward situation. Of course, things only got worse, and then Bree let that sleezeball George die. But we digress. You should avoid the “Desperate” route and simply never tell Angie you saw her photos. Mail her the memory card with a short note saying you thought it was hers, and ask if she can do you the same favor in return. If she ever brings it up again, play dumb.

Been bad? karmacleanser@gmail.com.

For more Karma Cleanser, visit atlanta.creativeloafing.com.