Streetalk: Aren’t your cookies making people fat?

It would help if you got some exercise.

Sarah: Girl Scouts are very conscious of what they eat and what they tell people to eat. Girl Scouts are honest. Would we tell you to eat Girl Scout cookies and tell you they’re healthy if they weren’t? You can even buy them sugar free and they actually have zero trans fat now. They’re making a lot of changes so that Girl Scout cookies are healthy and have healthy ingredients like peanuts and coconuts. Girl Scouts are honest. And Girl Scout cookies are better and you’re supporting a good cause. I’d like to be a sales person or president when I grow up.

Anna: No. They have no trans fat in them. If you eat all the Girl Scout cookies in the world you’re going to get fat, but if you eat one or two a day you’re not going to get fat. And if you actually don’t want to eat any, you can donate money. My brother eats a lot of them, but he’s smart to realize that if he eats the whole thing he’s going to get fat. He uses common sense, and other people do too. Maybe you don’t use common sense. Don’t eat the whole box.

Kaylin: I’m sure if they weren’t eating Girl Scout cookies they would be eating something else because people are always eating. If other people are selling stuff that people are going to eat, why can’t we? Some people just sell things that make people fat. We sell things that don’t make people that fat, but we also use the money to support our programs. As long as you don’t eat a whole box in a short amount of time, you’ll be fine. And it would also help if you exercise.

(Photos by Jeff Slate)