Stomp and Stammer editor revealed to be grumpy old Republican

Stomp and Stammer isn’t an indie-rock rag; it’s the Drudge Report

Image I’ve never had a conversation with Jeff Clark and he wouldn’t know me from Adam Ant. But I must say I was surprised to discover, via the newest issue of Stomp and Stammer, that the founder and proprietor of a long-running weekly dedicated to the local music scene (and onetime CL critic) could also manage to be a political conservative who comes off sounding like someone’s grouchy grandpa.

How do I know Clark fits this description? Because of his ad hoc hating on Occupy protesters, anti-corporate sentiments, after-hours parties, bicyclists and graffiti. Lemme cite a few of his bon mots from the current print issue. (Unless you find a hard copy, this is your only chance to read them. Like most old farts, Clark does not seem to be overly web-savvy.)

Best way to tell the world you’re unqualified for any job aside from shitter scubber in a Greyhound station: You spend months sitting on your ass in Woodruff Park.

Weakest weakling: Mayor Kasim Reed, whose procrastinated half-assed response to the moronic mob in Woodruff Park revealed him unfit to lead. Whether because he’s a liberal and identified with many of the positions of the demonstrators or is just a middling ignoramus, he let the situation drag on, only making it more of an embarrassing, debilitating, costly spectacle.

The “Do you actually think you are smart, you piece of communist shit?” award: To the ignorant, unwashed and underfed Georgia Slim of I Want Whiskey, for spouting opinions that, if followed, would put him in the field cutting sugar cane. Corporations are the only reason you aren’t running naked through the jungle.