Preview: Jason Kofke and Chris Chambers in The Ends at Beep Beep Gallery

Jason Kofke and Chris Chambers collaborate in ‘The Ends’ at Beep Beep Gallery.


While the rest of the world eagerly awaits the newest iPad, iPhone, or whatever other technological gizmo one ‘simply can’t live without;’ artists Jason Kofke and Chris Chambers take a step back to look at the recent technological past.

Kofke and Chambers present an exhibition of new work, The Ends, at Beep Beep Gallery.

Friends since college at SCAD in Savannah, Kofke and Chambers are together in Atlanta for the first time in years. While both artists have displayed work at Beep Beep in the past, this will be the largest amount of work either of the artists have displayed at Beep Beep.

Kofke, a recent recipient of the Artadia Award, has a studio in Atlanta but spends a large amount of time abroad, most recently in Russia, China, and Japan.

Chambers, who earned his BFA in painting, is primarily known for his video installation work at public art events like Le Flash, Elevate, and Axiom.

The Ends combines drawings, contemporary artifacts, outdated electronics, and recorded events to decipher potential teleological ends of the modern past. Using these artifacts from the recent past helps the artists communicate an understanding of the recent past and how it connects to the present.

Kofke and Chambers limit themselves to using only media like industrially standardized pens, office machines, outmoded consumer technology, and obsolete technical papers in order to make a statement about the history and progress of the recent modern world.

The show runs from April 7 thru April 23 and will open in conjunction with the Ponce Crush art walk.



Beep Beep Gallery 696 Charles Allen Drive, Atlanta GA 30308 404-429-3320