Site plans for Fuqua’s proposed retail complex along Beltline now available for your viewing pleasure
Let the critiques commence!
Behold, the site plan for Fuqua Development’s proposed retail complex near Glenwood Park and along the Atlanta Beltline!
As Jeff Fuqua, who’s pitching the project, told CL last week, the unnamed proposal calls for 40,000 square feet of “neighborhood-level,” streetfront retail and a 155,00 square-foot anchor retail tenant. A good portion of the development’s 1,021 parking spaces — the site requires 1075, according to the site plans — would be obscured by the shops and restaurants along Glenwood Avenue and a new Chester Street extension. The Beltline’s 10-foot-wide mixed-use trail, which Fuqua has offered to build, would run along that new street.
Quick takeaways: Judging from the documents, the retail complex would be built on a gentle slope that rises from Glenwood Avenue, which gives the appearance that the as-yet-undecided anchor retail tenant looms a wee bit over the development. (Fuqua told us that the anchor space could be split between two or three tenants.) Also, the “street grid” proposed in Fuqua’s plans doesn’t exactly match what’s recommended in the Beltline master plan for the area, which calls for building two new east-west streets cutting through the parcel and a new connection to Kalb Street (PDF, p. ix). But hey, it’s early in the process.
Wanna view the site plans? They’re embedded and available for download after the jump. Let us know your thoughts.