First Slice 12-22-13: Let’s all go to Underground

Plus, Douglas dude delves into ‘Duck Dynasty’ dumbness

Underground Atlanta, land of mystery!

United States Postal Service officials are trying to find out who shot a postal worker and stole a mail delivery truck, which was later found ditched somewhere - officials aren’t giving an exact location - in metro Atlanta.

Douglas County Sheriff Phil Miller says he will not help A&E produce shows in the suburban county after the network suspended a “Duck Dynasty” star after offensive comments. That’ll show ‘em, sheriff!

Roswell police officers’ search for a 4-year-old boy might have come to a tragic end, law enforcement officials say.

Justine Sacco, the public relations executive who tweeted what was arguably the world’s most insensitive 140 characters on Friday - “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” - has been sacked. Sacco, who was the communications chief at IAC, the parent company of OKCupid, Vimeo, and other media properties, later apologized for the message. Upside: In the aftermath of the uproar, someone purchased and redirected the site to an AIDS charity group.

“The handling of the disclosures of protected information to the makers of ‘Zero Dark Thirty,’ the award-winning account of the U.S. hunt for bin Laden, points up an apparent double standard in President Barack Obama’s unprecedented crackdown on unauthorized leaks.”

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