First Slice 4-15-13: Pay your taxes, America!
Plus, a state senator leaves the Gold Dome and joins a familiar industry
- Joeff Davis/CL File
- “I have been sent to take your liberty and a percentage of your income, depending on your life situation.”
It’s Tax Day! The best of all days!
State environmental officials say the U.S. Army is not doing enough to clean up and prevent hazardous chemicals from seeping into water sources from Fort Gillem, the shuttered military base in Forest Park.
For decades, elected officials in Marietta have talked about what to do with Franklin Road. The latest idea: Buying and demolishing some of the apartment complexes along the road.
This is an awesome business strategy.
Times Square’s characters and mascots have established hand signals to tell other people in costumes which toursits do or do not tip.
Congrats are in order for Adam Scott, the first Australian to win the Masters. Another winner: Nicolás Maduro. The “handpicked political heir” of the late Hugo Chavez was picked by a slim margin of Venezuelan voters to serve as the South American country’s president.