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Through the Shadowlands: CS Lewis’ Journey of Reason, Love, Loss & Hope
Monday March 16, 2015 08:00 PM EDT
Cost: Free
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
From the venue:
Oxford don C.S. Lewis was one of the great champions of a rational Christianity. But it was his unlikely love for a Jewish-American divorcee named Joy Davidman that set him on a path into the heart of faith which would bring him his greatest joy and deepest pain, and shake his certainties to their foundations. Join us on this Lenten journey through the shadowlands of the spirit, in which faith is refined in the crucible of suffering and loss, but also re-born in hope.Through the Shadowlands: CS Lewis’ Journey of... | 03/16/2015 8:00 PM