“Growing Figs in the Southeast for the Home Gardener” presented by the North Fulton Master Gardeners
From the venue:
Categories: Gardening
Figs have been cultivated since ancient times and are now widely grown throughout the world, whether for their “fruit”?, leaves, or ornamental value. North Fulton Master Gardener Ian Matthes has over 100 varieties of edible fig trees in his home garden. He will cover basic information about figs, including their origins, easy propagation, growing, and many of the different types of figs beyond Brown Turkey and Celeste that are commonly found in the South.
The North Fulton Master Gardeners in collaboration with the UGA Extension in Fulton County are continuing to provide horticultural education to the North Fulton community and beyond through FREE virtual gardening education programming. This series of five classes begins Sunday, March 5, 2023, and will be available through live Zoom webinars and Facebook Live.
Please register for the Spring 2023 Gardening Lecture Series in advance at https://bit.ly/Spring2023NFMG-GardeningLectureSeries to assure your place.
“Growing Figs in the Southeast for the Home G... | 03/12/2023 1:00 PM