Smart Glass Jewelry
(404) 371-0013
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Kathleen Plate, the talented artist behind Smart Glass Jewelry, has always loved to create beautiful things. Her creative passion was inspired in part by a childhood spent working on projects with her mother who taught her how to solder and work with stained glass. Smart Glass Jewelry was born while Kathleen was in graduate school working on a Master’s in American Literature. Kathleen needed a gift for a friend’s birthday so she made a pair of earrings out of glass. Her friends raved so she decided to take her product to local festivals and craft shows. The move proved to be a promising start for the unknown artist.
3300 E. Ponce de Leon Ave Suite F
Scottdale, GA 30079
(404) 371-0013
Scottdale, GA 30079
Jewelry Store
Smart Glass Jewelry, Scottdale, 3300 E. Ponce de Leon Ave Suite F