Atlanta Speech School
Established in 1938, the Atlanta Speech School is the nation’s most comprehensive center for language and literacy.
The Speech School effects transformative change through literacy. The School applies research-based practices and innovation focusing on brain science and social science through its three preschools; the Wardlaw School for elementary-aged children with dyslexia; The Clinic, which offers therapeutic and academic support across four disciplines; and the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy with its Cox Campus online professional learning platform and community of practice.
The School engages in advocacy work and holds long-standing partnerships with researchers and organizations in pursuit of literacy - and the choice-filled life it allows - so that each child at the School and every child outside its walls can experience the deep reading brain essential for deciding his or her own future.
The divisions all share a common mission to help each person develop their full potential through language and literacy. At Speech, extraordinarily dedicated and talented individuals make profound differences in the lives of the children and adults they serve, helping them discover their voice, and the power of that voice, for a lifetime. As a core part of its mission, in its over 80-year history, the School has never denied access to a child in need of its specialized services as a result of a family’s socioeconomic circumstances.
Fantastic Voyage
Lauda Musicam of Atlanta Spring PlayDate
Atlanta Speech School, Atlanta, 3160 Northside Parkway NW