STRFKR’s Joshua Hodges gets ‘high’ on life

The inimitable vocalist talks about enjoying life, death, drugs, and art


Joshua Hodges, lead singer for STRFKR, reunited with psychedelics last year while the band was making its third album, Miracle Mile. Past efforts were much darker than this one, and often fixated on themes of death. Hodges reveals that the new album was born out of a desire to make the music more poppy; eventually the band started to call this collection The Drunk Album. Before making his way to Atlanta, Hodges took a few minutes to talk about why he changed his mind about doing drugs, the magic of childhood, and making this album a celebration of life.

The last album, Reptilians, definitely touched on death and the process of it. Is this album about death again? Or have you U-turned and gone to life?
I think it’s maybe both. I can’t write but what I think about. I think about when I’m going to die, and what that means. This album is really just a fun, goofy album. We were actually calling it The Drunk Album for a while. I wanted it to be more poppy. This album’s kind of like a live show. For like 10 years I didn’t do any drugs or drink or anything because I did it a lot when I was young, but for this album I kinda had a reunion with psychedelics and mushrooms and writing. It was an amazing tool.