Spirits ride a pale horse

Ten haunting new numbers of starry eyed and ethereal rock


Spirits and the Melchizedek Children’s new album, We Are Here to Save You, went up on the group’s Bandcamp page this morning (Friday, May 6). The album features 10 haunting new numbers recorded by Ed Rawls at Living Room studios, with a lineup that included frontman Jason Elliott (guitar, vocals), Darrin Harrison (guitar), Chris Case (Rhodes, piano), Joe McNeill (bass) and Craig Henderson (drums) — a slightly different incarnation of the group, which now features Bryan Fielden of San Agustin on drums and no Darrin Harrison.

The songs on We Are Here to Save You find a harmonious balance of sweeping and ethereal rock with starry eyes, tape hiss and a lot of damaged emotions and redemption. There’s so much welling atmospheric texture, gorgeous noise and even prettier arrangements wrapped around each other in such songs as “Q ‘n’ A,” “WiteWich” and “Fly Away Feathers,” that reveal wholly new levels of each one reveal themselves with each listen. Take it all in through a pair of headphones or you just might miss an awful lot here.


We Are Here to Save YOU! by Spirits and the Melchizedek Children