Best Lil Jon quotes
Cutting-room floor quotes from the ambassador of crunk
This week I write about the under-performance of Lil Jon’s latest, Crunk Rock, his part-time move to L.A. so his son Slade can be an actor and model, and whether or not he’s done with crunk for good. In interview, Jon isn’t the wild and crazy guy he projects in videos, but rather courteous and a good yarn-spinner. He’s been on the Atlanta hip-hop, bass and crunk scenes for as long as anyone, and reeled off a career’s-worth of anecdotes and funny stories. Here are some of the best that didn’t make the story.
On the multiculturalism of skateboarding:
I grew up in Southwest Atlanta, and it was all black folks. The only Asians you see might be the Indians and Pakistanis at the gas station, or Chinese at the Chinese restaurant. So, skateboarding introduced me to all kinds of different people, and different music, skate punk groups like Minor Threat, Agent Orange, the Faction ... Dead Kennedys, Ramones and Bad Brains were like my favorite groups. Even the Cure, Ministry, and new wave. Skateboarding helped me really become who I am today, ‘cause it made me open-minded for music and people.
On his high school years:
It’s interesting, because all my boys from my middle school went to Benjamin E. Mays high school, and even though I went to Frederick Douglass High School, I went to Mays every day and hung out with my boys. I was one of the few kids from another high school who could go there and not get beat up. I was even in their yearbook, in the background of a picture.... I wasn’t the super smart, straight-A kid, I almost didn’t graduate, ‘cause I had D’s and F’s. I’m not good at math. I’m not a book guy. I’m street smart, but I’m not a book guy.