

It only makes sense that the wings of nostalgia have spread out far enough for folks to record entire albums cut from a palette of video game music. Some musicians write heartfelt country-western songs and introspective folk tales for the same reasons that Adventure yearns for the chirp of early 8-bit video game soundtracks. The self-titled release evokes happy memories from a much simpler time when Sonic the Hedgehog and Sega Genesis ruled the roost. Melodies in songs like “Civilization,” “Battle Cat” and “Crypt Castle Cult” are impressively assembled with the skill level of the highest-rated player. But the uniform sounds of the medium and the utter lack of variety that bounds through these songs can cause some serious pains in the brain. 3 stars

Adventure plays Eyedrum Sun., Aug. 31. $5. 8 p.m. 404-522-0655.