Streetalk May 06 2004

Where is the best place to be picked up in Atlanta?

Jill: The Clermont Lounge. I’m frequently picked up there. If you want to be picked up by a trashy guy, 99 percent guaranteed, you will be picked up at the Clermont, especially on Saturday night, on disco night. It’s not guys you’d take home to your mother, but for one night it’s fun. Usually they’re about 10 years younger than me and don’t have a job, been to prison a couple of times. But it’s fun to pick up a trashy guy. Blondie hits on all my boyfriends.

Edwina: The park with my dog. You want somebody who’s going to love your puppy, too. You share the canine experience. Lots of people go out there. Guys, girls, either or, I’m open. You want the outdoorsy experience, too. I’m kind of going through a divorce and I stay away from the park right now because I need to get through the grieving process first, but I’ll gradually go back, but more like, “Hi, I’m a nice person. I have a nice dog.”

Kate: Masquerade’s ’80s night. Everybody gets really roaringly drunk and dances around to ’80s music — Blondie, Michael Jackson, Wham! It’s cheesy and crappy music, but you still like it. Lots of gay guys try to pick me up, which doesn’t make any sense. I think they must be retarded because obviously, dude, I’m not either gay or a guy. A lot of guys want to buy me drinks and I like the drinks and then I kind of run. A lot of “mods” go there, too. I’ll dance with the mods when there’s no punks around, but I prefer the punks.