Atlanta blogs today: Immigrant wasteland no more November 28 2007

A report created for the U.S. Conference of Mayors shows that Atlanta’s GMP (Gross Metropolitan Product) will decline 0.6 points to 3% (a loss of $954 million) thanks to the current correction taking place in the real estate market.

Decatur Metro on the drag real-estate and mortgage markets are having on the local economy


This is a good AJC article showing Doraville as more than a good-ole-boy haven and immigrant wasteland, which is how we’re usually depicted.

BubbaRich at Dora-Blog on an AJC story about new Doraville Councilman Brian Bates, the state’s first openly gay Republican elected official


Five skinny women tell you how to stay thin during the holidays. If they’re skinny, they must have all the secrets, right? Not just skinny parents.

Christa T at pecanne log is less than pleased about an obnoxious feature on about staying skinny during the holidays.