Atlanta blogs today August 14 2008

 — Most often, Live Apartment Fire looks at the state of local television news with a somewhat cynical eye. But today, he gives major props to WXIA-TV’s Brenda Wood for the job she’s doing over in China for the Olympic Games.

— At the Daly Briefing, our intrepid correspondent from the war zone shares a meal (standing up, because that’s how they do it over there) with some Iraqi friends.

— The Shelbinator makes the case for Joe Biden as Obama’s vice-presidential running mate.

— There’s a dust-up on the blogosphere that makes you think the world is coming to an end. Gray over at Left On Lanier sums it up beautifully ... and hilariously.

—  Sara rediscovers her inner chef at Going Through The Motions. But why didn’t she invite us to the meal?

— And finally, Mostly Muppet puts everything into perspective: It’s all about good beer.