13 Days of Halloween: The scariest dance video (and other weird sh$%t you’ll find on the internet while looking for costumes)
I was only looking for costume ideas...
(H/T to Gawker)
I also came across this tale of teen angst/recipe for Oh-No-She-Didn’t Butternut Squash Soup from CosomGirl.com:
Lindsey was a shoo-in for head cheerleader. Her handsprings were Slinkies on speed; her pikes were 90 degrees of perfection; her dismounts put Nastia Liukin to shame. On top of that, while other cheerleaders decorated the football players lockers (Go Warhawks!), Lindsey decorated the other cheerleaders lockers. Everyone on the squad adored her.
Except Tiffany. Tiffany, who could only do the splits because she was born with some sort of weirdo ligament problem. Tiffany, who slipped cards into the football players lockers after the squad had decorated them so the guys thought the work was hers alone. Tiffany, who had a secret stash of embroidery supplies and could arrange it so that the word FARTER mysteriously appeared on a certain teammate’s black bloomers in bright yellow thread. Hmmm.
Find out what happens to Tiffany and grab the inexplicably accompanying recipe here. (And by the way, it’s none of your beeswax why I was reading CosmoGirl.)