Add It Up: Atlanta’s burglary habit
Flat screens, blue jeans, training gyms, oh my
Number of reported burglaries, larcenies and automobile thefts in Atlanta in 2008: 38,978
Percentage rise in Atlanta property crimes in 2008, compared to the previous year: 7.6
Percentage that property crime decreased across the country in 2008: 1.6
Number of times a Poncey-Highland gym was broken into in the first weeks of June: 5
Number of intown bars hit in one night in May by thieves apparently looking for flat-screen TVs: 4
Number of times a Midtown clothing boutique was hit by “smash-and-grab” burglars in May: 2
Total number of burglaries, larcenies and thefts that occurred in Atlanta during the first three months of 2009 (most recent statistics): 7,980
Number of same crimes that occurred during the first three months of 2008: 8,804
Atlanta’s rank in a disputed survey of the nation’s most dangerous cities: 2
Sources: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta Police Department, FBI Annual Crime Statistics, Real Clear Politics