Virginia-Highland, NPU-F residents to vote on density, design
Keep it quaint or go all out?
As Virginia-Highland attracts more residents, barflies, and Sunday afternoon pedestrians, it'll also — for better or worse — catch the eye of developers who want to capitalize on that appeal. And for residents and property owners who want a voice in how their bustling neighborhood evolves, tonight's their chance.
Members of Neighborhood Planning Unit F, whose boundaries include Virginia-Highland will vote tonight whether its members want Virginia-Highland rezoned as "Neighborhood Commercial." The designation focuses on three busy "nodes" along North Highland Avenue where it intersects Briarcliff Place, Virginia Avenue and Amsterdam Avenue. The designation could potentially affect The Mix at 841 (above right) — an ambitious mixed-use development proposed across the street from the long strip of bars that includes Blind Willie's and Diesel — that's irked some residents for its size and scope.
According to the Virginia-Highland Civic Association, current zoning allows commercial buildings as high as 11 stories in some areas. If ultimately approved by the Atlanta City Council, the rezoning would limit the height of buildings to three stories and encourage such smart-growth concepts as mixed-use design and shared parking. It would prohibit "suburban-style" buildings such as the CVS Pharmacy and encourage developers to take the neighborhood's architecture into account. (For the association's documents related to the rezoning proposal, click here.)
The meeting takes place at 7 p.m. tonight at the Hillside facility between Courtenay Dr and Monroe Dr. According to the NPU-F website, "access is available from 1301 Monroe Dr., opposite the CSO facility on Monroe. Parking is available at the rear of the building off Monroe Drive." The public is welcome, but keep in mind that you have to live or own commercial property in the district if you want to vote.
(Apologies for the screenshot. The Mix website appears to be incomplete.)