Piedmont Park killing: No leads, possible hate crime

Dyana Bagby of the Southern Voice gives a thorough update on the killing of Patrick Boland, a 43-year-old gay man who was stabbed in Piedmont Park early in the morning hours of May 28. Bagby reports that Atlanta police still have no leads and are investigating the killing — and the stabbing of another gay male that took place shortly after Boland was attacked — as possible hate crimes.

When police arrived at Piedmont Park May 28 to investigate Boland’s death, there were several people in the park, some hiding in the bushes because they were there after the park’s closing time at 11 p.m.

But Willis said he does not care who was in the park for whatever reason on that night; he just hopes someone will come forward with a clue to solving the crime and helping Boland’s family find closure.

“The amount of blood at the scene and the blood trail — he ran quite a ways,” Willis said.

“Someone had to have heard something, him screaming or calling for help. There had to be some kind of altercation. One witness we did talk to was worried about being arrested. That being in park after hours is not a concern to me; that is low on my list,” Willis said.

Interesting details about why police don’t think robbery played a role in Boland’s killing is in SoVo’s article.