Sen. Tim Golden of Valdosta switches from Democrat to Republican

Another lawmaker - this time in the Gold Dome’s upper chamber - joins the GOP


The Democratic Party of Georgia’s slow bleed continues. Tim Golden, a state senator from Valdosta and longtime donkey, has followed his colleagues’ lead and will now have a “R” next to his name.

From the Senate Press Office:

State Senator Tim Golden has officially announced he is joining the Republican Party. The long-time legislator from Valdosta has served 10 terms in the General Assembly as both a member of the State House of Representatives and the State Senate. Senator Golden has been a leading fiscal conservative and considered by many as one of the most pro-business members in the General Assembly.Golden, who’s the Democrat’s caucus chair, is the first switch to the GOP we’ve heard in the Gold Dome’s upper chamber. No telling if it’s the last.

UPDATE, 11:42 p.m.: Aaron Gould Sheinin offers some numbers and factoids:

Golden’s move gives the Republicans 36 seats in the Senate to 20 for the Democrats, leaving the GOP two votes shy of a two-thirds “super majority.”

Golden’s move means every member of the Lowndes County delegation is now Republican.