Rep. Bobby Franklin: Gays are basically unrepentant drug dealers
The Cobb County lawmaker hates homosexuality, loves barnyard animals
Georgia lawmakers have been doing a primo job of sounding dumb-to-downright-crazy lately (and always).
Rep. Bobby Franklin (R-East Cobb) had the following pearls for the [|Marietta Daily Journal] concerning gays in the military:
“The Bible says it’s a capital offense,” Franklin said of homosexuality. “You want someone with unrepentant criminal behavior? And it’s not just that, neither should adulterers, neither should thieves, neither should a lot of things. The church is full of sinners, but we’re told in 1st Corinthians it rattled off the homosexual, the adulterer, the thief, the liar, and such were some of you, but you’ve been washed, you’ve been justified and so forth. It’s not what you were. You’re not punishing a thought. But do you want an unrepentant drug dealer in the military? Same thing.”
Franklin also wants all state transactions to be conducted in only silver or gold, for people to be able to raise farm animals in their yards (I’m, strangely, very OK with this idea — pygmy goatz for everyone!) and to do away with drivers licenses because, Franklin says, driving is a constitutional right. Oh, and, here’s a real mindblower: Franklin, who equates abortion with murder and regularly introduces legislation seeking for it to be defined that way, conjured the phrase “My body, my choice” while discussing a piece of legislation he introduced that would prevent the government from making vaccinations compulsory in the event of a pandemic. Irony at its worst.
H/T to Project Q Atlanta