Sunday Sales legislation to - gulp - rise from the grave today?

We don’t mean to build up anyone’s hopes, but OMG


Say it’s so, Joe!

Charlie Harper at Peach Pundit reports that we might finally see a Senate floor vote on the sorely needed measure.

Sources tell the wordsmith that freedom-loving senators are expected tomorrow to slip language permitting retail alcohol sales on the Sabbath into Senate Bill 150, a piece of legislation which would allow public golf courses to sell the devil’s sweat.

While the bill came through the Regulated Industries Committee and Rules Committee ”clean”, the amendment to attach Sunday Sales is expected on the Senate floor. I’m told there is a heated battle among Senate heavyweights to demand the bill be “engrossed”, which would prohibit amendments. This generally from Senators who find a recorded vote on Sunday Sales a lose-lose for them, or who can profit from a non-vote as a win-win. The engrossment of a bill is usally only done on a finance or ethics bill, so a vote for engrossment on this bill can be viewed as a proxy for those who do not want a Sunday Sales vote.

Those who want a vote and/or want this issue to go away forever (via passage, and thus moving the fight to the local level) are issuing a unique threat of their own. They intend to offer for a vote a repeal of either all of Georgia’s anti-blue law legislation, or at a minimum, repeal the ability to sell alcohol anywhere on Sunday, just to demonstrate the absurdity of the anti-Sunday Sales argument.

Supposedly, Harper’s sources say, the bill has pretty good chances of passage. He’s got a lot more info. Check it out. And tune in to watch the mind-numbing action here.