Shouty man shouts at Ga. legislature about child porn, gay marriage, other evils

Toccoa pastor hates liberal stuff, loves microphones

On February 23, pastor Tony Byrd of Zebulon Baptist Church in Toccoa demonstrated to the Georgia House of Representatives — and with gusto! — how much he loves America, Jesus, and the dulcet tones of his own voice.

Byrd was apparently invited by Rep. Michael Harden (R-Toccoa) to say a brief, non-denominational invocation. Byrd had other plans, and instead launched into a 12-minute tirade about how America’s great, but is simultaneously the worst because of violence, the legalization of marijuana, the porn industry’s success, the availability of child porn, gay marriage, abortion, and “the liberal media’s ungodly agenda.” (Hey, that’s me!)

Once he really hits his stride — around the seven-minute mark — notice the rhetorical wizardry that eschews pauses, and turns marijuana, child porn, gay marriage, and abortion into a heaping word salad of EVIL. Also, notice how the cameraman keeps cutting to shots of really, really bored-looking Democratic legislators. Good stuff.

H/T Wonkette.