Morning Newsdome: Entitled college students upset November 20 2009
A daily round-up of the weird and wonderful from around the world
>> UC Berkeley students took over a campus building this morning in protest of the university’s decision to raise tuition by 32 percent. The Birkenstock-clad students were so upset that their parents would have to pay more for tuition, leaving less money to pay for their trips to South America to find themselves. (San Francisco Gate Chronicle)
>> The European Union elected Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy as the new president, though many European leaders felt disappointed that the weak personality (unlike another president I know) would represent the EU on the world stage. Obama: 1. Van Rompuy: 0. (Voice of America News)
>> Speaking of world leaders: The U.S. Embassy is working to get the Chinese government to change the official translation of Obama from ??? to ???, or phonetically from Ao Ba Ma to Ou Ba Ma. However the first translation became popular initially, so it’s unlikely to change. Asian governments have confirmed that they’ll say his name right once Obama learns how to bow correctly. (New Yorker)
>> To the shock and sadness to housewives everywhere, Oprah Winfrey announced yesterday that she will end her “Oprah Winfrey Show” in its 25th season in 2011. The O plans to transform her program into something “small and different” on her own network, but I worry, how will she be able to elect our next president with a smaller show? (
>> And finally: A coalition of Christian leaders, mostly conservative evangelicals and Roman Catholics, issued a declaration urging the White House to strike down any of the Senate’s health care reform that allows abortion coverage. Missing from the declaration is mandatory electronic holy water dispensers. (Fox News)
(Photo Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)