Ed Loves Bacon - Hatchet II is a scream - seriously

<img src=”https://media1.fdncms.com/atlanta/imager/hatchet-job-victor-crowley-and-his-creato/u/original/2177924/1286256489-hatchet2.jpg” alt=”HATCHET JOB: Victor Crowley and his creator, Director Adam Green” title=”HATCHET JOB: Victor Crowley and his creator, Director Adam Green” width=”300” height=437” />

  • HATCHET JOB: Victor Crowley and his creator, Director Adam Green

Move over Jason, there’s a new horror franchise on the horizon. In the original film Hatchet, a group of tourist take a bayou ghost tour through the swamps of Louisiana only to wind up in the back yard of the infamous Victor Crowley. According to the legend, Crowley, a tumor-covered simpleton was accidentally killed with a hatchet blow to the head by his father haunts the woods to vent his anger on anyone who strays in his path. Needless to say the tour group is whittled down quickly as they discover the mythical homicidal maniac legend is true. Picking up just minutes after the original slasher horror ends, Hatchet 2 takes us (and a couple of non-believing victims) back into the murky backwater of the Louisiana swamp stomping grounds of the legendary killer.

Recently I spoke with the creator of the Crowley legacy, Director Adam Green on Hatchet 2, the anatomy of horror and why this film is being released unrated in theaters.

Living Walls

:: CABBAGETOWN: Wylie near Carroll St. (Artist: Sever)
<p>Photo by Jill Melancon ::

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